If you save your entire life - from pictures to documents, videos, and other private information - to your hard drive, you should look after its well-being so that you don't lose everything in the case of some problem with your computer. HDDLife is a useful tool that you can use to look at the status, temperature, performance, and free space on your disc so that you know when to be on the lookout for possible errors.
The moment this application detects that your hard drive's status is deteriorating, you'll receive an email or a warning on the network, a sound will get played, or your PC will turn off immediately. You should configure these options beforehand in accordance with the decision you want to make when your hard drive's life is at risk.
HDDLife will create reports that you can save in order to see what's happened to your disk, but you can always find out about an error or risk before anything happens, avoiding your computer's overheating and overexertion. Prevention with HDDLife is better than having to fix everything later.
The HDDlife Pro gadget does not work properly when entering options and clicking accept.... it freezes.